Your partner in electronic recycling

Bring your electronic components back to life

Contribute to a greener future by recycling your electronic waste with us. Turn your old equipment into valuable resources while protecting our planet.

Electronic recycling

Turn your old appliances into sustainable resources.

Environmental protection

Reduce your carbon footprint with every recycled component.

Reuse & Recovery

Give your electronic components a second life.

Discover Sabak's, leader in electronic recycling. Turn your e-waste into a sustainable resource. Contribute to a greener future with us
SABAK'S, leader in electronic recycling (WEEE) and re-use of IT equipment.

Contact us

01 72 52 40 50

Bringing electronics back to life, one component at a time.


Since 2012, SABAK'S RECYCLING is committed to turning your e-waste into sustainable opportunities, while protecting our planet.

Making electronic recycling the norm, by ensuring environmentally-friendly processing and promoting reuse.

Integrity, sustainability and innovation guide every stage of our process, from collection to recovery.

Thanks to our efforts, tonnes of e-waste are diverted from landfill every year, reducing the carbon footprint and supporting a circular economy.

Complete solutions for recycling and recovering your electronic waste.

Our services

At SABAK'S RECYCLINGWe offer a full range of services to meet all your electronic recycling needs, from collection and recovery to sorting and dismantling.

Collection of electronic equipment

Fast, secure collection of your used electronic equipment.

Material treatment and recycling

Precise separation of components to ensure optimum recycling.

Reuse and sale of components

Refurbishing and preparing equipment for a second life.

Recovery of aeronautical equipment

Collection and dismantling of aeronautical electronic equipment

Buying back IT equipment

Make the most of your ageing IT equipment.

Key figures for the electronics recycling sector

0 millions tonnes

electronic waste generated each year. 120 million by 2050

0 %

Only 20% of this waste is recycled appropriately.

+ 0 Billions $

contained in these materials every year.

0 %

Some of the gold used in electronic waste is not recycled.

0 T

Treated each year

SABAK'S Recycling of electronic components IMG 2072

Expertise at the service of the environment and your economy.

Why choose SABAK'S Recycling?

Since our creationwe are committed to transforming the landscape of the electronic recycling. Thanks to our innovativewe minimise theecological impact while maximising savings for our customers. Our mission is clear: to contribute to a circular economy and sustainable while offering a service of superior quality.

Ecological commitment

Preserving the planet by minimising our environmental impact.

Maximised Savings

Recycle your waste for optimum return on investment.

Human approach

A dedicated team at your service for personalised support.

Superior quality

Certified and recognised recycling services.

+ 0 tonnes

Tonnes of electronic waste processed each year.

0 %

Satisfied customers

0 +

Partner companies served

0 years +


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